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Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
policy and purpose

The Bioasis is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace culture, beyond what is required by law.


We recognise the broad range of approaches, backgrounds, cultures, and solutions brought by a diverse team makes for a stronger, culturally richer, and more innovative company. Recognising that outdoor, adventure, and nature-based industries are predominantly white, middle-class, heteronormative, and male-dominated, we are dedicated to addressing this lack of inclusivity, which is too often overlooked yet manifests in a multitude of impactful ways.


We are dedicated to fostering a workplace culture that goes beyond legal requirements to celebrate diversity and inclusivity. As both a provider of adventure experiences and an employer of outdoor practitioners, increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion is central to our growth strategy.


We strive to take an intersectional approach to outdoor adventure, aiming to be a part of the solution rather than the problem. Intersectionality refers to understanding and addressing the interconnected nature of social categorisations such as ethnicity, sex, and gender, which can create overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.


At The Bioasis, we acknowledge that an EDI policy is just the beginning. Creating an equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment requires continuous effort in transparency and genuine deep-rooted commitment. Our EDI action plan outlines the everyday steps we take to be part of this change. It is available on request from Mission Control. We also recognise the evolving nature of socio-political themes and commit to review our policies annually to ensure they remain relevant and effective.


Our Policy’s purpose


1. To provide equality, equity, and respect for all our employees and clients and to cultivate a culture which not only protects but celebrates human diversity.


2. The 2010 Equality Act outlines a list of 9 “protected characteristics” against unlawful discrimination.

  • Age

  • Disability

  • Gender reassignment

  • Marriage and civil partnership

  • Pregnancy and maternity

  • Race

  • Religion and belief

  • Sex

  • Sexual orientation


These laws are subject to change but regardless, The Bioasis does not tolerate unlawful discrimination relating to or due to any of the above characteristics but also adds to this list gender identity, developmental disability, and mental health. We understand the importance of creating thorough frameworks and systems that are tailored to individual needs and aim to execute these systems seamlessly.


3. To oppose and avoid all forms of discrimination within the area of:

  • Pay and benefits

  • Terms and conditions of employment

  • Dealing with grievances and discipline

  • Dismissal

  • Redundancy

  • Leave for parents

  • Requests for flexible working

  • Selection for employment, promotion, training, or other developmental opportunities


Our commitments


The Bioasis is committed to:


Fostering an Equitable Workplace Environment by:


1)     Prioritising equity, diversity, and inclusion as fundamental to ethical business practice and strategic success.


2)     Cultivating an environment that is free from bullying, harassment, victimisation, and unlawful discrimination, while actively promoting dignity and respect for all. Recognising and championing individual differences and the importance of the unique viewpoints of every staff member.


3)     Ensuring that all staff understand that they, along with their employer, can be held liable for acts of bullying, harassment, victimisation, and unlawful discrimination, in the course of their employment, against fellow employees, customers, suppliers and the public.


Providing Relevant Training and Workshops:


4)     Training managers and all employees about their rights and responsibilities under the equity, diversity, and inclusion policy. Additionally, this encompasses educating them on recognising and addressing in situ biases within the industry that manifest detrimentally and how to appropriately respond.


5)     Encourage open communication, deep understanding and authenticity among employees and clients through workshops and mandatory training.


Inclusive Hiring Practices:


6)     Advertising jobs on BAME networks such as BYP Network and DiversityJobs.


7)     Regularly revising job descriptions and advertisements to promote inclusivity.


Addressing Complaints seriously:


8)     We take all complaints of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination from employees, customers, suppliers, visitors, the public and others involved in our operations with utmost seriousness. Such behaviour is treated as misconduct under our grievance and disciplinary procedures, warranting appropriate actions. Severe complaints may be classified as gross misconduct, resulting in dismissal without notice.


Our disciplinary and grievance procedures

Details of the organisation’s grievance and disciplinary policies and procedures can be found in the Complaints Procedure which is available on request or can be found in camp packs. This includes with whom an employee should raise a grievance – usually their line manager, or which member of staff a client should raise concerns with.


Use of the organisation’s grievance or disciplinary procedures does not affect an employee’s right to make a claim to an employment tribunal within three months of the alleged discrimination.


Disciplinary procedures (employee related) cover how we as an organisation expect to be held accountable to all involving parties. These procedures are in all contract, but also available on request from mission control.


Monitoring and Reviewing Policies and Practice:


9)  Annually reviewing employment practices and procedures to ensure fairness and up-to-date policies to take account of changes in the law.


10) Monitoring the composition of the workforce regarding gender, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or belief, and disability to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion. Additionally, as stated above, monitoring will involve assessing the effectiveness of the equity, diversity and inclusion policy and The Bioasis’ supporting action plan, reviewing them annually and addressing any identified issues.


Actively Engaging in Community Discussions:

11)  By engaging in conversations on gender, ethnicity, disability and class within our workforce to raise awareness and foster inclusivity.


12) Develop guidelines for our employees on how to navigate in situ circumstances when these themes are raised by clients or students.


Championing Diverse Role Models:

13)  Highlighting and supporting diverse role models in the outdoor industry to enhance accessibility and inspire underrepresented groups.


Offering Inclusive Programs and Experiences:

14)  Develop and offer programs and experiences that challenge the status quo and promote a more inclusive and well-rounded approach to the outdoors and outdoor adventure.


Should further information be required please contact Adrian Ferraro via e-mail to:


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